Discover Apps

There are a total of352 apps on Lens. Check out some of the most popular apps below.
Orb logo
OrbMobile experience with a focus on creators and communities
Buttrfly logo
ButtrflyWeb3 Social Explorer
T2 logo
T2Where writers find their niche
Hey logo
HeyOpen source platform for desktop
Tape logo
TapeOpen-source video platform for desktop
Dumpling logo
DumplingStreaming and steaming the best content from Lens
Phaver logo
PhaverSocial Without Silos
Kaira logo
KairaRevolutionizing social media with DeFi magic 🪄
U3 logo
U3U3 is building the front page of the decentralized social. A place to discover and explore the best of web3
Yup logo
YupDecentralized Social All-In-One
Lenspeer logo
LenspeerLenspeer is an All-in-One decentralized social media platform logo
bloomers.tvLive Streaming Platform on Lens
Orna logo
OrnaLens collects marketplace, people, communities and $Bonsai
LensView logo
LensViewThe omnipresent comment section to discuss, fact-check, and share your views about any web page
Focalize logo
FocalizeFocalize is a full social DApp, built on Lens Protocol and XMTP, running in a browser extension.